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New Testament
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Lesson 2 - Tense, Voice, Mood, Present and Future Active Indicative, Movable
ν |
Tense |
In Greek, tense indicates not only time of action, but more especially kind of action.
In this lesson, the Present
tense and the Future tense will be
introduced. Clearly, we see a distinction between the
time of the action represented by these two
tenses. However, from the outset, we want to note the
importance of kind of action. In an absolute
way, tense indicates time of action only in the
indicative mood. In other moods, it may indicate a
time of action in a relative way. But tense is
associated with kind of action in all moods.
The German word "Aktionsart,"
meaning "kind of action," is often used
with reference to what is indicated by the tense of a
verb. There are three basic kinds of action:
The first is linear.
It is also called durative, continuous,
or progressive. It can be
represented graphically by a line. In this
case, the speaker conceives of the action as
happening. The Present tense
indicates this kind of action. |
The second is punctiliar
and can be represented by a point. In this
case, the speaker conceives of the action
without any notion of its continuance. This
kind of action is associated with the Future
tense. Note carefully that the
future tense does not imply the action takes
place instantaneously. Rather we should say
the speaker conceives of the fact of
the action without indicating continuity. |
The third kind
of action is ongoing result of previous
action, and can be represented
graphically by a line proceeding from a
point. In this case the speaker conceives of
the action as being the ongoing result of a
previous event. |
Read more about
the linear Aktionsart of the Present tense.
Voice |
Voice refers to the relationship
between subject and verb. In English, it answers
the question, is the subject active or passive with
respect to the action? Consider the following two
The bull tramples
the ground.
The ground is
trampled by the bull
In the first sentence, the subject
is "bull" and the bull is actively
trampling. The verb "tramples" is in the
Active voice.
In the second sentence, the subject
is "ground" and the ground is passively
being trampled. The verb "is trampled" is
in the Passive voice.
There are three voices in Greek.
They are the Active, the Middle, and the Passive. In
this first course, we will only concern ourselves
with the Active Voice
Mood |
Think of different moods (also
called "modes" in some grammars) as
different degrees of contingency. There is the
Indicative Mood which contemplates
the action with no contingency at all. The action is
indicated. It is real, or at least the speaker
presents it to be considered as real. Even if the
statement is false, it is at least presented as if it
is a fact. Negating the action does not alter the
mood. Saying, "I do not eat spinach" leaves
no more contingency in the matter than saying,
"I eat spinach."
We will only study the indicative
mood in this introductory course. But to help clarify
what we mean by mood, or degrees of contingency,
consider a mood where there is more contingency. The
Subjunctive Mood is illustrated in the following
Might you eat some
Were I to eat
spinach, I would get sick.
Should I get sick,
I would not be able to go to work.
If you were unable
to go to work, you would not be paid.
In English, we use the words
"were," "should,"
"might," or "would" when we are
speaking in the subjunctive mode. In each of the
sentences above, only the possibility of eating
spinach, or of being sick, or of being unable to go
to work is being considered. The reality remains
contingent. The case is contemplated with the action
being hypothesized.
Greek grammarians had various names
for the subjunctive mood, but one name was
ἡ διστακτικὴ
ἔγκλισις, "the mood expressive of doubt." In contrast, the indicative mood was
called ἡ
ἔγκλισις, "the definitive mood."
The Present
Active Indicative |
Because the verb λύω
("I loose") is regular throughout its
conjugation, it is often the first verb a student
learns, and it is the verb used to illustrate the
omega conjugation throughout its various tenses,
voices and moods.
The stem is λυ, and the
various endings added to this stem are personal
endings, identifying the person and number of the
verb. In the absence of a named subject, a pronoun is
not necessary to indicate the subject. The person,
whether 1st ("I"), 2nd ("You"),
or 3rd ("He," "She,"
"It") is indicated by the ending.
We do this in English for 2nd
person imperative verbs. We may say, "Go to the
corner and turn left." The verb is
"Go" but what is the subject? We say the
subject is understood to be "You."
"You go to the corner and turn left." In
Romance languages, the person is implied for all
three persons. And so it is in Greek.
INDICATIVE conjugation of λύω.
singular |
plural |
person |
λύω |
I loose |
λύομεν |
we loose |
person |
λύεις |
you loose |
λύετε |
you (plural)
loose |
person |
λύει |
he, she, it
looses |
λύουσι |
they loose |

The idea of using different verb
forms for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person subjects and for
plural and singular subjects should not seem strange
to us. We do this in English, though not as
consistently. Again, consider the verb
"go". We say, "I go"
but "he goes." The form of
the verb changes to reflect a change in person. We
say "he goes" but
"they go." The form of the
verb changes to reflect a change from singular to
Memorize the endings by themselves:
singular |
plural |
person |
ω |
ομεν |
person |
εις |
ετε |
person |
ει |
ουσι |
Say them aloud. 
Then say them aloud rapidly,
You may prefer my 3 year old
niece's rendition: 
The Present Active Indicative forms
of λύω might also be translated, "I am
loosing," "you are loosing," "he
is loosing," "we are loosing,"
"you (plural) are loosing," "they are
loosing." In English, we may mean one thing if
we say "He pitches" and something a bit
different if we say "He is pitching." In
the former case, we may mean he regularly plays the
position of pitcher. In the latter case, we may mean,
he is pitching at this very moment. In Greek, the
present active indicative is used for both of these
ideas. In both cases, the Aktionsart is
linear, but in one case the action is habitual or
iterative. When translating from Greek, you will need
to let the nature of the verb and especially the
context of its use determine the whether or not to
use "-ing" in English.
Future Active
Indicative |
The Future Tense does not use the
same stem as does the Present tense. In fact, there
are 6 basic verb stem forms, or "principal
parts" for each Greek verb. The Present tense
uses the 1st principle part and the Future tense uses
the 2nd principle part. However, for most of the
verbs we will be learning in this course, the only
difference between the Present stem and the Future
stem is the letter σ (sigma). So for
now, you can learn this simple rule: To form a Future
tense verb, start with the Present tense stem, add
σ, and
then add the personal endings.
Below is the FUTURE ACTIVE
INDICATIVE conjugation of λύω.
singular |
plural |
person |
λύσω |
I shall loose |
λύσομεν |
we shall
loose |
person |
λύσεις |
you will
loose |
λύσετε |
you (plural)
will loose |
person |
λύσει |
he, she, it,
will loose |
λύσουσι |
they will
loose |

In the case of λύω,
the addition of the σ is
uncomplicated. But when the present stem ends with a
consonant, in certain cases the consonant and the
σ will
combine to form a new letter.
The labials (formed with the lips)
π, and
combine with σ to form ψ
π, or φ + σ = ψ
The future of
βλέπω (I see): The π in
combines with σ to form βλεψ-. Then
the personal ending is added to form
The palatals (formed with the
palate) γ, κ, and χ combine with σ to form
κ, or χ + σ = ξ
The future of
ἄγω (I lead): The γ in
combines with σ to form αξ-. Then the
personal ending is added to form
ζ and the dentals (formed with the teeth)
θ and
τ simply
drop out before the addition of the
θ, or
τ + σ = σ
The future of
σῴζω (I save): The ζ in
drops out prior to the addition of
σ to
form σως-1. Then the personal ending is added to
form σώσω.
ῳ is an "improper diphthong." The
ι in
such diphthongs, called a "iota
subscript," was often dropped. In the case of
σῴζω, the ι was not retained throughout the
conjugation. "It is uncertain in the case of
σῴζειν (from
σω-ίζειν) to what extent the ι has been
carried over from the present into the other tenses
(formed on the stem σω-)." (Blass & DeBrunner, A Greek Grammar
of the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature, p. 15.)
ν |
In both the Present and Future
active indicative, the third person plural form may
have a ν added to the end of the word. For example,
instead of λύουσι, you may see λύουσιν, and
instead of λύσουσι, you may see λύσουσιν. There
is no strict rule that explains when this occurs,
although it tends to be that the
ν is
added prior to a word that begins with a vowel. Think
of the movable ν as optional. But be familiar with it so
that you are not stumped when you encounter it, and
that will be often.
Summary of Lesson 2 |
- TENSE indicates
not only time of action, but more especially kind of action.
- VOICE pertains to
the relationship between subject and verb
- MOOD can be
thought of as the degree of contingency
- In the Present Active
Indicative, the kind of action is
linear, the relationship of the subject to the
verb is active, i.e. the subject is performing
the action rather than being acted upon, and the
degree of contingency is zero, i.e., reality
rather than hypothetical activity is in view.
- The Present Active
Indicative is conjugated by adding
personal endings to the stem.
- For the most of the verbs we will
learn in this course, the Future Active
Indicative is formed by adding a
σ to
end of the present stem prior to adding the
personal endings to the stem. Sometimes, this
σ is
combined with the previous letter to form a new
letter, a consonantal blend.
- In both the Present and Future
Active Indicative, the third person plural form
may have a ν added to the end of the word.
Assignment 2 |